
3 2020

A Morning Oasis: The Promise of Paradise

9:00AM - 11:00AM  

Virtual Event

Contact St. Peter's Health Partners

A diverse and inclusive interfaith program of formation and education sponsored by St. Peter's Health Partners for local clergy and chaplains.

The Promise of Paradise—a fundamental hope in some form of existence beyond this earthly life—is shared by many world religions, especially those rooted in the traditions of Abraham and Sarah and Isaac and Ishmael. This interfaith program of formation and education is a Webex conference hosted by SPHP on Thursday, December 3, 2020 from 9:00am until 11:00 am. The link for the Webex is:

3 reflectors: Rabbi Chanan Markowitz, Imam Abdulkadir Elmi, and Rev. Byron Williams will offer reflections sharing the central ideas concerning the Promise of Paradise from their faith tradition. The outline of each reflection includes:

1) A quote from a sacred text of your tradition that alludes to the promise of paradise or an afterlife

2) Flowing from the sacred text: a brief teaching on your traditions understanding of paradise/afterlife

3) Provide 2-3 things clergy and chaplains should keep in mind when ministering to those grieving the loss of a loved one.

The proposed schedule: 8:45 am Webex opens (

9:00 am Welcome

9:05 am Introduction of Presenters

9:15 am Reflection 1 by Rabbi Markowitz

9:30 am Journaling in response to the Rabbi's reflection

9:35 am Open forum for comments from participants

9:45 am Reflection 2 by Rev. Byron Williams

10:00 am Journaling in response to the Minister's reflection

10:05 am Break

10:15 am Open forum for comments from participants

10:25 am Reflection 3 by Imam Abdulkadir Elmi

10:40 am Journaling in response to the Imam's reflection

10:45 am Open forum for comments from participants

10:55 am Conclusion