The BB HEC Judging Panel has selected winning essays of the 2020 B'nai B'rith Capital Area Holocaust Essay Contest! The Award Ceremony will be virtual, via Zoom, on Wednesday 3 June at 7 pm. See access info below. You are invited, along with students, teachers, families, friends, Judges. Participation is necessary for this to be a success!
Access by computer, mobile device app, or tablet:
Password: AWARD
Access by phone:
Dial in by Phone
+1646-558-8656, 917 7971 2136
We are pleased to identify prize winners, as follows:
--Patrick Manella HS 1st Prize Loudonville Christian School, Sponsoring Teacher Michelle Nietfeld,
--Cassidy Tryon HS 2nd Prize Loudonville Christian School, Sponsoring Teacher Michelle Nietfeld,
--Pallavi Datta HS 3rd Prize Niskayuna High School, Sponsoring Teacher James Edgar;
--Grace Nowalk MS 1st Prize Canajoharie Middle School, Sponsoring Teacher Lori Schaffer,
--Madeline Kahn Ehrlich MS 2nd Prize Agudat Achim Middle School, Sponsoring Teacher Eric Ginsburg,
--Skye Keparutis MS 3rd Prize Loudonville Christian School, Sponsoring Teacher Michelle Nietfeld.