
3 2020

B’nai B’rith Capital Area Holocaust Essay Contest Award Ceremony

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

B’nai B’rith

Contact Bob Michaels

Join via Zoom!


The BB HEC Judging Panel has selected winning essays of the 2020 B'nai B'rith Capital Area Holocaust Essay Contest! The Award Ceremony will be virtual, via Zoom, on Wednesday 3 June at 7 pm.  See access info below.  You are invited, along with students, teachers, families, friends, Judges. Participation is necessary for this to be a success!


Access by computer, mobile device app, or tablet:

Password: AWARD


Access by phone:

Dial in by Phone

+1646-558-8656, 917 7971 2136


We are pleased to identify prize winnersas follows:


                                --Patrick Manella              HS 1st Prize        Loudonville Christian School, Sponsoring Teacher Michelle Nietfeld,

                                --Cassidy Tryon                 HS 2nd Prize       Loudonville Christian School, Sponsoring Teacher Michelle Nietfeld,

                                --Pallavi Datta                    HS 3rd Prize        Niskayuna High School, Sponsoring Teacher James Edgar;


                                --Grace Nowalk                 MS 1st Prize       Canajoharie Middle School, Sponsoring Teacher Lori Schaffer,

                                --Madeline Kahn Ehrlich      MS 2nd Prize      Agudat Achim Middle School, Sponsoring Teacher Eric Ginsburg,

                                --Skye Keparutis               MS 3rd Prize       Loudonville Christian School, Sponsoring Teacher Michelle Nietfeld.