
27 2020

Capital Region Antiracism Training Initiative featuring Ibram X. Kendi


Virtual Event

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Community Conversation with Ibram X. Kendi

New York Times bestselling author Ibram X. Kendi, Ph.D., will discuss the ideas presented in his book “How to Be an Antiracist” in a virtual presentation with Denise Murphy McGraw, president of the Junior League of Schenectady & Saratoga Counties and Hayward Horton, PhD, associate professor of Sociology at SUNY Albany.

This dynamic and inclusive training initiative is designed to provide our community with the tools they need to identify and combat racism at all levels. The initiative seeks to provide robust interactive training with a variety of experts intended to cultivate your inner antiracist. Over the course of two months, events will be held to listen and learn about how we as a community can eliminate race-based discrimination and ensure the health and well-being of all persons.

The Capital Region Antiracism Training Initiative is asking everyone participating at any step in the process to sign up for the email newsletter. The group will send out regular updates including event information, reading and watching resources and more.
