
4 2021

Fasting: The Practice of Holy Longing

12:00PM - 1:00PM  

Virtual Event | St. Peter's Health Partners

Contact Brendan Moss

Fasting: The Practice of Holy Longing

In honor of the Muslim Celebration of Ramadan

A diverse and inclusive n interfaith program of formation and education sponsored by St. Peter's Health Partners for local clergy, chaplains, and spiritual caregivers.

Fasting is a spiritual practice embraced by most World Religions.  This 1-hour Webinar will explore the purpose and practice of fasting within the Christian, Jewish and Muslim traditions.   This interfaith program is a WebEx conference hosted by SPHP on Tuesday, May 4, 2021 from Noon until 1 PM.  No pre-registration is needed.  Just click on the link on May 4, 2021 at Noon.

Join from the meeting link

3 reflectors (1 Rabbi, 1 Imam, 1 Christian) will speak on the purpose and practice of fasting within their tradition.  The brief presentations will be followed by a period of question and answer with participants and among our panelists.

The proposed schedule:

            11:55 am         WebEx opens

            Noon               Welcome & Introduction of Presenters

            12:05 pm         Fasting within the Jewish Tradition (Rabbi Moshe Bomzer)

            12:15 pm         Fasting within the Islamic Tradition (Imam Abdulkadir Elmi)

            12:25 pm         Fasting within the Christian Tradition (Fr. Ed Kacerguis)

            12:35 pm         Open forum for Conversation between Panelists and Participants

            12:55 pm         Concluding Remarks


Iman Abdulkadir Elmi, Rabbi Moshe Bomzer, and Fr. Ed Kacerguis