Sign up ahead to provide individual items that when put together, proved a full meal for 20 people (staff and participants in the shelter for homeless men) at Schenectady's Lighthouse Shelter. Congregation Gates of Heaven solicits ahead of time, then gathers the food the day before and morning of delivery. All food is requested in disposable foil or non-returnable pans. Sign up with She'll confirm your requested item or suggest another needed item or call the office 518-374-8173.
The meal items for Dec 23 are as follows (see for a current list of what is needed):
ALL ITEMS are prepared to feed 20 adults
Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Stuffing, Gravy, Veggies, Cranberry Sauce, Soda, Eggnog, Milk, Fresh Fruit, Veggie tray with dip, chips & Dip, loaves of bread for sandwiches, mayo, nuts, coffee & tea, half & half, sugar & sweetners, cookies & more cookies, pies
Sponsor: Congregation Gates of Heaven