Enjoy a nosh 'n learn with scholar Henry H. Sapznik, a well known Yiddish expert. His topic will be KOL ISHA/Voice of a Woman -- Pioneering Women Cantors: 1922-1953.
Zoom ID: #864 8537 7578
Pass Code: 501758
Sponsor: Temple Israel of Catskill
19 2020
6:00PM - 7:00PM
Temple Israel of Catskill
220 Spring Street (Route 385)
Catskill, NY 12414
Temple Israel of Catskill
(518) 943-5758
Enjoy a nosh 'n learn with scholar Henry H. Sapznik, a well known Yiddish expert. His topic will be KOL ISHA/Voice of a Woman -- Pioneering Women Cantors: 1922-1953.
Zoom ID: #864 8537 7578
Pass Code: 501758
Sponsor: Temple Israel of Catskill