
7 2020

Scholar-in-Your-Residence with Rachel Slutsky

7:30PM - 8:45PM  

Congregation Agudat Achim 2117 Union Street
Schenectady, NY

Contact Josh Cooper-Ginsburg

Join via Zoom!

Many contemporary Jews view midrash as antiquated and juvenile; after all, the midrash makes all sorts of claims that are anachronistic, contradictory, and simply unrealistic, such as the midrashic claim that Cain and Abel celebrated Passover! In this shiur, however, we will come to appreciate midrash by examining the sophisticated interpretive methods the midrash employs, and the religiously and intellectually rigorous messages it is trying to convey.

Rachel Slutsky is a Jewish educator and doctoral candidate in Hebrew Bible at Harvard University, where she specializes in ancient Jewish biblical interpretation. Rachel received her BA with Honors from Stern College, Yeshiva University in English Literature and Jewish Studies, as well as an MA from the University of Chicago in Hebrew Bible. She lives in Cambridge, MA with her husband, Jacob.

Join on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/970211663?pwd=UVRtRGNFQnovbzF0UTZJcCtOdEVCQT09