There are 4 new TU BI SHEVAT online learning opportunities for young children to use their imaginations, learn stories and songs, explore the holiday, and develop a love of learning. Tune in to our YouTube channel for JKids Story Time at Berith Sholom. (
Videos are:
- Happy Birthday, Tree! A Tu B'Shevat Story
- The Green Grass” song for Tu B'Shevat
- IT IS A TREE OF LIFE song for Tu B'Shevat
- Sammy Spider's First Tu B'Shevat
JKids Story Time is led by Morah Elana, who has a BA in Musical Theater from Emerson College and an MS in Education with a concentration in Early Childhood Education and is a pre-school teacher at Temple Israel. Morah Elana has been selected by children’s author Sylvia A. Rouss to read all of her Sammy the Spider books online.
There is a Youtube link and it is always available.
Sponsor: Congregation Berith Sholom