Northeastern New York comes to Florida! Join us for Brunch by the Beach at the Beautiful Oceanfront Home of Este and Sam Sylvetsky (formerly of the Capital Region).
We would like to show our appreciation for your generous support of Northeastern New York Jewish Federation. Your gift enables us to meet needs, enrich lives, and build community.
Join us for a morning of stories, reflections, and conversation about our magical connection with Israel, with comedian and author JOEL CHASNOFF.
Joel Chasnoff is a stand-up comedian and author of several books, including the comedic memoir The 188th Crybaby Brigade, about his experience as a lone soldier in the IDF.
Couvert: $25 per person
Please register by Monday, January 15.
Valet Parking | No solicitation of funds
Anyone who supports (or supported) the Jewish Federation annual campaign in Northeastern New York is welcome to attend this event. If you know someone from our community visiting Florida at the time of the event, or who now lives in Florida (our address list is not complete), please let us know so that we can invite them to join us for Brunch by the Beach!
Please remember Jewish Federation of Northeastern New York with a gift in your will, trust, retirement account, or life insurance policy.
Sponsor: The Jewish Community Endowment Fund, LIFE & LEGACY (R), Jewish Federation of NENY