Thanks to David Liebschutz who has, once again, handcrafted a program, specific to our community needs, we are thrilled to present this opportunity to hone and strengthen our communal leadership skillset.
The course, Empathy, Communications, and Coaching: What Jewish Leaders Need to Know in a COVID/Post Covid World (ECC Leadership) will meet:
Empathy -- January 31 and February 7
Communications -- February 28 and March 7
Coaching -- March 21 and March 28
Topics for this course deal with three areas integral to leadership: emotional intelligence, communications, and coaching. Each session will begin at 7 pm and location TBA. The cost for a sponsoring organization is $100/participant and each partner organization may nominate two candidates.
Nominations are due to KB Goodkin by December 10, 2021.
Sponsor: Jewish Federation of NENY