After the Chagim (holidays)

When making plans this past month, I found many conversations ending with, “Sure, give me a call after the chagim (holidays).”
Well, we are now “after the chagim.” Sunday is sukkah-back-in-the-garage-Sunday, (click here for my article on sukkah-building-Sunday), and then Monday kicks off the first full workweek in over a month. We’ll have meetings. We’ll start new projects. We’ll pick things up from the back burner. We’ll advance agendas.
The Hebrew month of Cheshvan is often referred to as MarCheshvan (bitter Cheshvan) because it has no holidays. Following a holiday-rich Tishrei, which includes Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Shmini Atseret, and Simchat Torah, Cheshvan is then followed by Kislev with Chanukah. (Note: please save December 5 for a community-wide celebration.)
Rather than thinking of Cheshvan as a bitter month, I prefer to think of it as the month I get caught up on all of my emails.
Happy After the Chagim!
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