When asked what I do for a living, I usually answer, “I meet.” Once a week I get to write this article, but otherwise, I meet with boards, committees, donors, community leaders, rabbis and other synagogue leaders, recipient agency leaders, local, national, and Israeli colleagues and partners. My weekly calendar is riddled with appointments.
To keep myself on time, I utilize my calendar’s “alert” feature and account for driving time. I use the traffic feature to adjust my day as necessary. I also plan for meetings to last longer than expected with “parking-lot conversations” following most meetings.
While COVID-19 has not affected when or with whom I meet, it has certainly affected where and how I meet. My meeting commute has been reduced to finding the zoom link and typing in a password. Now I need my calendar’s “alert” feature to catch up to this new reality. The minimum alert currently offered is five minutes, four minutes more than I need.
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