We are celebrating Israel @ 75 this April.
The 2nd best place in the world to celebrate will be at the Massry Center for the Arts at the College of St. Rose in Albany, New York, where we will host a talented team of high school musicians from Eshkol as well as Six13. We’ve enjoyed Six13 twice in our community, and both times people demanded that we bring them back. So, they’re coming back. Please mark your calendars for the evening of April 25.
But, as I mentioned, Northeastern NY will be the 2nd best place in the world to celebrate Israel. The best place in the world to celebrate Israel’s Independence Day (Yom HaAtzmaut) will be, of course, Israel!
We are putting together a “build your own” Israel experience. We have available a week-long mission with our friends at Jewish Federations of North America; we have the annual General Assembly (GA) conference; we have a Shabbat with Albany native Rabbi Sam Shor; we have time with our friends in Eshkol.
The beauty of the “build-your-own,” is that these are not “all-or-none” opportunities. If you want to visit relatives and drop by Eshkol—great. If you want to tour on your own but share a Shabbat experience with Rabbi Sam—great.
We are putting together trip details now, so if you have even a passing interest, please reach out to me this week so that we can try to incorporate your ideas.
Note: While this trip will be unique, it will not be your last community opportunity to visit Israel. We regularly put together different unique trips and many of our synagogues are also working on 2023 and 2024 trips.
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