New Year, New Programs

I’ve written about them before, but after a little longer than we had hoped, we finally have Federation’s two most important (in my opinion) programs of the year on the calendar:
1. Resetting the Table (See my July 11 article.) We are polarized. We sit in our bubbles exposing ourselves only to like-minded people, and we’ve lost the ability to converse with the goal of learning rather than convincing. We’ve set up a series of programs to help us learn how to more effectively listen and dialogue. On January 12, we’re kicking off the series with a screening and discussion of the film PURPLE. When registering, we will ask you to share some of your political leanings to help us recruit diverse cohorts for follow-up workshops in February. It may be a little uncomfortable, but comfort is not the goal of this program.
2. Unpacking Israel Series for Jewish High School Students (See my October 8 article.) We have set up an outstanding program in partnership with OpenDor Media for our high school kids. We’ll meet monthly at Federation on Sunday afternoons, socialize, eat pizza, and unpack Israel. Our first program will be with Noam Weissman on January 9, and we’ll explore “What Israel Means to ME—exploring your personal connection with Israel today.” Please register so we can order enough pizza.
If you like what Federation is doing: Resetting the Table, Unpacking Israel for teens, teaching educators how to teach Israel and the Holocaust, PJ Library, Havurah Initiative, ongoing community relations, community engagement, leadership training, security guidance, scholarships, assistance to Jews in need around the globe, interesting speakers, financial support of local Jewish institutions, resettling of Ethiopians, etc., etc., etc., ( -- Yul Brynner), please consider making a year-end contribution so that we can continue our good work.
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