1. Gil Hoffman is a journalist who has specialized in Israeli political strategy and analysis. He is an outstanding speaker whom I have had the pleasure of hearing on several occasions. A few months ago, he took over as the executive director of HonestReporting, which works to combat media prejudice against Israel.
Last week I read in the newsletter of a Connecticut colleague that Gil was in from Israel and visiting her community. We reached out to Gil and said, “While you’re in the neighborhood…”. While I was hoping for a Sunday night, he was able to squeeze us into his schedule for a lunch program next Friday. Click here for details and registration. You don’t want to miss this.
2. Back in February, we hosted a Zoom event with Ben Freeman. He is a Jewish leader, thinker, educator, and author. He spoke about his book, Jewish Pride: Rebuilding a People. He was so good that we immediately contacted his people to see when he would next be in the United States (I believe that he was in China at the time) so that we could hear from him in person. He will be in Saratoga on October 30, speaking on his new book, Reclaiming our Story: The Pursuit of Jewish Pride. Click here for details and registration and, again, you don’t want to miss this.
3. Simchat Torah, my favorite synagogue Jewish holiday, is coming up this week. We celebrate concluding our current Torah reading cycle as we immediately begin the next with singing and dancing. As I like to do annually, I strongly encourage parents to bring their children. Those who have done so on my recommendation, call to thank me. Every synagogue celebrates, and it’s really a very good time.
Orthodox and Conservative Jews living outside of Israel celebrate on Monday night and Tuesday. In Israel, the holiday is celebrated on Sunday night and Monday. (This calendar phenomenon can be the topic of a future article.) While the holiday also falls on Sunday night and Monday for Reform Jews, it may be celebrated earlier in the day on Sunday to coincide with Hebrew school. Please check specific synagogue schedules. Also note that while everyone is welcome, depending on the synagogue, registrations might be requested for COVID purposes.
4. For a more complete list of community events, please consult our community calendar.
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