As I write this at 5:30 pm on Thursday afternoon, I’m well aware that the situation on the ground may be radically different by the time you read this on Friday or over the weekend.
Is it a good deal? Is it a bad deal? Will the deal be signed? Will the coalition government survive the deal? Will Hamas still be in power? Will the war continue? Does Biden get the credit? Does Trump get the credit? Does any of this matter if the hostages make it home? Will the hostages make it home? If the deal falls through, who will be blamed?
JFNA hosted an outstanding situational update this afternoon. It’s posted on its YouTube channel and can be found here. I encourage watching it, if not to provide any answers, at least to help us understand the questions. Sadly, I don’t know that anyone has the answers. I do know that there is no shortage of opinions on what the answers might be.