
23 2020

Beth Emeth Book Club via Zoom

7:30PM - 8:30PM  

Congregation Beth Emeth 100 Academy Road
Albany, NY

Contact Deborah Sokoler
518 436-9761 x230

Join via Zoom!

ALL are invited to join us for a relaxed conversation about the book - "The Floating Feldman's" by Elyssa Friedland. A light read to enjoy as we "isolate." You can order via Amazon. I Love Books in Delmar will also be ordering some copies as well. E-mail them - ilovebooksdelmar@gmail.com and they will call you for your credit card and will arrange for curbside pick up. To join the Zoom meeting, copy and paste this link - https://zoom.us/j/395436731pwd=Vml0N2FXNytlNXBHMFpZaE9uNGtxQT09 (Meeting ID: SISTERHOOD) Questions? Contact Deb Sokoler - dsokoler@bethemethalbany.org