TIME TRAVEL IN THE TALMUD: The Talmud has some very cool time travel stories (seriously!), which the rabbis used to explore questions like "how are we connected to the people who came before us and will come after us?" and "why is there suffering in the world?". We'll study a few of these stories, including Moses' journey to the time of Rabbi Akiva, Adam's experiences seeing the future, and Honi the Circlemaker's very long (Rip Van Winkel -style) nap,. Copy & paste the zoom link - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83923271565 If prompted to provide a password, it is CBE Questions? Contact Deb Sokoler - DSokoler@BethEmethAlbany.org This program will be archived on the CBE Live Stream page. PLEASE NOTE NEW TIME FOR THIS PROGRAM!