
6 2020

Biblical Connections and Influences on a Modern Yiddish Woman Writer

1:00PM - 2:30PM  

Congregation Agudat Achim 2117 Union Street
Schenectady, NY

Contact Josh Cooper-Ginsburg

Register here!

Jonathan Weil is a retired professor of humanities, concentrating in both literature and the visual arts. he specializes in the psychology of reader response and the role of ambiguity in the arts. This course will be response-based and learner-centered and -driven. We will share with and engage each other, and make and re-create meaning together - based on the long-standing Biblical tradition that 70 interpretations are not only better than one, but demanded by the author and work itself. We will gain greater insight and enjoyment from the course if we come to the works fresh and avoid the literary criticism and interpretations of "the experts." We want each other's unique ideas and feelings, not those of others. Join us!

Register for the Zoom link here: