
13 2020

Coming Up for AIR: A Discussion Group for Seniors


Virtual Event

Contact Kristina Stinson
(518) 482-8856

Email info@jfsneny.org to register (or call (518) 482-8856)!

Facilitated by the JFS Senior Resource Network team, this group is for older adults to discuss Aging Information and Resources and other timely issues. We will address staying connected when you feel disconnected, coping with the barrage of changes and realities that impact your life, maintaining safety in your home, preserving healthy habits and self-care, and more.

Facilitators: Erin Plonka, LMSW, Lynda Shrager, OTR, MSW, CAPS, and Clara Simon, MSW

Quotes from past group participants:

"Liked meeting new people. I realized that I am not as bad off as I thought I was. It gave me something to look forward to."

"Nice to meet new friends and look forward to continuing to connect with them."

"Enjoyed talking and felt very comfortable being able to speak my mind." 

TO REGISTER: email info@jfsneny.org, call (518) 482-8856 or visit jfsneny.org. You will be emailed a link/phone number to join the group via Zoom. You can also simply call in!

Sponsor: Jewish Family Services