
26 2022

HAVURAH VATIK April 2022 In-Person Event


Congregation Shaara Tfille 84 Weibel Avenue
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
(518) 584-2370

How did The Giving Circle Come to Be?


For in-person meetings, all attendees must show proof of vaccination and adhere to safety protocols prescribed by our host, Congregation Shaara Tfille (masks required).

For our first in-person program in two years (!) Havurah Vatik is excited to welcome two of our long-term members, Ron and Karyl Maenza, to the podium to share with us how they helped found The Giving Circle, Inc., an all-volunteer, not-for-profit, charitable organization based in Saratoga Springs, with a mission of Communities assisting communities in need. They will share its history, how it was conceived of and how it evolved, beginning with the hurricanes of 2005. Currently The Giving Circle reaches to communities across the globe with selfless acts of kindness and compassion. Most significantly, these projects provide effective assistance with long-term positive consequences.

Ron and Karyl were the first President and first Treasurer of The Giving Circle. They, along with other Saratoga folks, made many trips to the Gulf Coast helping to rebuild houses and social infrastructure. They continue their involvement with the organization's activities to this day, 16 years later.

We are fortunate to have them in our midst to recount their involvement and adventures, in our initial In-Person Late-Stage-of-the-Pandemic Meeting.

We've kept the RSVP line open -- please call 518-584-8730 ext.4 and let us know who is coming and if you will stay for lunch.

To contact Havurah Vatik for any other reason, you can email the Co-chairs: 

Rita Fischer at rita0115@nycap.rr.com

or Caroline Seligman at jollysel0@gmail.com; 518-937-6751