
15 2022

Havurah Vatik February Zoom Event


Virtual Event


Finding My Father

To brighten the winter days, Havurah Vatik welcomes author DeborahTannen, to discuss her new book, Finding My Father: His Century-Long Journey from WW I Warsaw -- and My Quest to Follow.  Deborah's father, Eli Tannen, came to the US from Poland in 1920. He was a lifelong Zionist and atheist whose Jewish identity pervaded every aspect of his life, which is like a walking tour through 20th century history. Retracing his steps and studying his journals, Deborah has pieced together the puzzles of his life, and she will share with us his fascinating story.

Deborah Tannen is professor of linguistics at Georgetown University and author of many books, including You Just Don't Understand: Women and Men in Conversation, which was on the NY Times best seller list for nearly four years. She has appeared on numerous television and radio news and information shows. And, not incidentally, she is Naomi Tannen's sister. 

Havurah Vatik in the time of Covid: Bring your own lunch; pajama bottoms welcomed; coffee or tea suggested.
Nothing supplied but valuable information, exchange of ideas, opportunity to "see" friends and acquaintances.

To contact Havurah Vatik for the Zoom link, you can email the co-chairs: 

Rita Fischer at rita0115@nycap.rr.com

or Caroline Seligman at jollysel0@gmail.com; 518-937-6751