
20 2020

Havurah Vatik October Zoom Event

11:00AM - 1:00PM  

Virtual Event

Contact Havurah Vatik

Jewish Anarchism and the Stelton Modern School: Lisa Aronson's Mother's Story 

What does a retired college professor do? Why, research, of course. We are the beneficiaries of Professor Lisa Aronson’s current research into the history of her mother’s and grandmother’s Jewish anarchist background. From the pogroms of Bialystock, Poland, to the familiarity of an anarchist institution in New Jersey, Lisa’s grandmother, Dora, her fiancé Louis, along with Lisa’s aunt and her mother, Rochelle, took shelter at the Stelton Modern School in Piscataway. And there Lisa’s mother received her primary education. Join Lisa at April’s Havurah Vatik to catch a glimpse of this fascinating aspect of Jewish history in America.

Dr. Lisa Aronson’s research, writing, and teaching as a Professor of Art History at Skidmore college focused on the art and visual culture of Africa. She is excited to share with us this new research adventure.

Havurah Vatik in the time of COVID: Bring your own lunch; pajama bottoms welcomed; coffee or tea suggested. Nothing supplied but valuable information, exchange of ideas, opportunity to "see" friends and acquaintances. 

To contact Havurah Vatik for registration information or questions, please email the Co-chairs: 
Rita Fischer, rita0115@nycap.rr.com 
or Caroline Seligman, jollysel0@gmail.com 

The mission of Havurah Vatik is to provide Jewish seniors, ages 55 and older, opportunities for socialization, intellectual stimulation, and entertainment in warm and caring settings that celebrate Jewish life.