
15 2020

Havurah Vatik Virtual September Event

11:00AM - 1:00PM  

Virtual Event

Contact Rita Fischer

"Medicare for All" - What Would it Mean?

We have lured back Dr. George Jolly, at the urging of many members, to explain and clarify issues surrounding possible changes in the way we pay for healthcare. Today we’ll examine how we, as American Seniors, pay for healthcare now. Then we’ll look at what changes have been proposed to ”improve” and "enhance" Medicare. Finally we’ll look at some of the concerns and criticisms that have been raised.
George Jolly, MD, is a local retired Internist/Geriatrician and long time member of the Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP), a group that advocates for national, universal health insurance. He is also a member and several-times speaker at Havurah Vatik.

Bring your questions, concerns, and the comments you have heard. He will speak to all of them (if there's time).

Havurah Vatik in the time of COVID: Bring your own lunch; pajama bottoms welcomed; coffee or tea suggested. Nothing supplied but valuable information, exchange of ideas, opportunity to "see" friends and acquaintances. 
Zoom invitation will be included in the official flyer, to arrive in your inbox September 1.

Keep Havurah Vatik alive and well - Continue to attend and support these programs. We will be together in person in the future!