
16 2024

NAJL Legislative Breakfast: Antisemitism in the NYS Public Education System


Albany Office | LOB 104-A
Albany, NY 12248

Contact Lavine

Invite you to the NAJL Legislative Breakfast
on the state of antisemitism in the NYS Public Education System

SPEAKER AND GUEST OF HONOR: Dr. Stephen M. Berk / Professor of Holocaust and Jewish Studies, Union College

This event is free and open to the public

Breakfast is courtesy of National Association of Jewish Legislators – NY Chapter

For more information on this event or any other legislative concern, contact the Office of
Assemblymember Charles D. Lavine at (518) 455-5456 / lavinec@nyassembly.gov or
Assemblymember David I. Weprin at (518) 455-5806 / weprind@nyassembly.gov