
20 2021

Origins of Modern Art & Biblical Connections to Modern Jewish Artists

1:30PM - 2:30PM  

Congregation Agudat Achim 2117 Union Street
Schenectady, NY 12309


Contact Josh Cooper-Ginsburg
(518) 393-9211

Register here!

Together, we will examine how the Bible (both Hebrew and Christian) served as inspiration for modern Jewish artists - in the subjects, themes, symbols, and archetypes they chose to employ. Among the Jewish artists we will cover are Sonia Delaunay, Marc Chagall, Chaim Soutine, Max Weber, Mark Rothko, Barnett Newman, Sol Lewitt, Lucien Freud, Richard Diebenkorn, George Segal, and Diane Arbus. We will also examine the Jewish-themed works by a few of our own very talented artist-congregants (volunteers requested!)

Jonathan Weil is a retired professor of humanities, concentrating in both literature and the visual arts. He specializes in the psychology of reader response and the role of ambiguity in the arts. He lives in Elizaville, NY with his wife Susan and five rescue cats. His six passions are baseball, food, opera, art, Torah, and Susan - not necessarily in that order. He is writing a book: "How to be the Torah: A Reader Response Approach to the Hebrew Bible. A Journey into Self."

This course is brought to you by Congregation Agudat Achim's Adult Education Committee.

Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEuduCrqTMpH9bRLht_NZ0eSTGzXR1FaDfL