
23 2021

Precious Souls

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Virtual Event

Contact Yossi Rubin

The Lubavitcher Rebbe empowered people. His unwavering belief and encouragement propelled them to achieve greatness, and achieve what they thought impossible. Precious Souls, that’s how the Rebbe viewed every human individual. Join us for “Precious Souls”, an evening of empowerment, inspiration, and meaning, as we mark 70 years of the Rebbe’s leadership.

Precious Souls explores the Rebbe’s exemplary outlook on Ahavas Yisroel toward each and every Jew, presenting the beautiful message with which he trained our generation to see the intrinsic good and inherent potential inside each one of us.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 984 8599 0587
Passcode: souls

Sponsor: Capital Chabad