
9 2023

Tai Chi for Arthritis & Fall Prevention with Matt Frank

12:00PM - 12:50PM  

Schenectady JCC 2565 Balltown Rd
Niskayuna, NY 12309
(518) 377-8803

Contact Judy Ben-Ami
(518) 377-8803

The ancient art of Tai Chi uses gentle flowing movements to improve balance and strength, and decrease falls. It improves posture, reduces stress and pain, and incorporates elements of Qi Gong to increase energy. You will learn the “Sun Style Tai Chi” which is characterized by slow, smooth, circular movements that are easy to learn and safe for all ages.

Presented by Matt Frank, Physical Therapist, and certified instructor of Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention.

$42 members, $55 guests for the session or
$9 members, $11 guests per class
