
29 2023

JBaby Class

9:00AM - 3:00PM  

Jewish Federation of NENY 184 Washington Avenue Extension
Albany, NY 12203
(518) 783-7800

Contact KB Goodkin
(518) 783-7800

Expecting? Join Jewish Federation for a Jewish spin on pregnancy, birth, and newborn classes! Doulas Liz Leue Addeo CD(DONA), LCCE, CD(TVL), SpBCPE and Rebecca Rovner, CD, CPD, CLC will lead our group in a day of evidence-based learning and practical preparation for every expecting family. Included in our day together will be childbirth education, spinning babies information, newborn care, partner support, and more! Build a peer group of local Jewish expecting parents and nosh/learn over the day! Transitions are something to prepare for and celebrate as a community, and nothing deserves more space than the transition to family!

In lieu of the price of a ticket, we're asking for a one-time donation that works best for your family.

Please dress comfortably.  Lunch is included.  Please indicate any dietary needs when registering

Questions? Contact KB Goodkin.

Sponsor: Jewish Federation of NENY