
6 2024

Braid's Production of What Do I Do With All This Heritage? (Live on Zoom)


Virtual Event on Zoom (LIVE)

(518) 584-8730

LIVE on Zoom!

A whimsical and thought-provoking journey into the lives of Asian Jews as they reveal their true stories of struggle and triumph holding two age-old traditions in their heart.

REGISTER HERE: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/sl/ZdQAznI/TheBraidJune6

Additional showing on Sunday, June 9, at 2 PM, on Zoom: https://www.jewishfedny.org/community-calendar/braids-production-of-what-do-i-do-with-all-this-heritage-live-on-zoom

*The Braid, formerly Jewish Women’s Theater, is a Jewish story company creating, curating, producing and preserving stories grounded in Jewish culture and experience.

Sponsor: Saratoga Jewish Community Arts, Temple Sinai, Jewish Federation of NENY