Saratoga Jewish Community Arts, with a generous grant from the Jewish Federation of Northeastern New York and sponsorship of Temple Sinai of Saratoga Springs, presents the first of three “live on Zoom” programs from The Braid on February 1 at 7 pm.
The Braid, formerly Jewish Women’s Theater, is a Jewish story company with a celebrated fifteen-year legacy of advancing Jewish culture. The first program in our series lays bare antisemitism with true stories by acclaimed writers and is entitled I Loved Jew, I Loved Jew Not.
A tiny fragment of humanity stands against a churning sea of hatred. It has battered this most miniscule of minorities for thousands of years, even as it batters them today. Just 0.2% of the world’s population, the Jewish people are vastly outnumbered by the forces of antisemitism. Yet they – and their friends - have stood unbroken. What is the secret of this strength? How do they maintain their sense of humor? And what is the private and personal pain that this struggle has inflicted upon them?
“What does it mean to be to be subject to antisemitism today,” asks Phyllis Wang, Coordinator of SJCA, “when someone is black and Jewish on campus, or when encountering a Nazi in this day as a Jew, or being persecuted for being born Jewish in Iran? What does it mean to be Jewish at this moment?”
More than a dozen contemporary writers, both Jews and their allies, attempt to answer these questions with a curated collection of true stories of antisemitism and the strength to stand against it, brought to life in this powerful new work of theater. It is real, raw and reflective of our times. Whether Jewish or not, audiences will be moved by these stories, finding in them a warmth and a strength that have remained steadfast among the Jewish community for thousands of years.
I Loved Jew, I Loved Jew Not, underwritten for SJCA by Barry and Shelley Bader in memory of their daughter Melissa Bader Lewis, will be presented “live on Zoom” on Thursday, Feb. 1 at 7 pm.
Registration for The Braid’s “I Loved Jew, I Loved Jew Not” is required at SJCA Home Page.
Patrons must register for each program from The Braid separately.
A playbill and Zoom link will be sent a few days before the program.
Questions? Email us at
Sponsor: Saratoga Jewish Community Arts, Temple Sinai, Jewish Federation of NENY