
28 2020

Women's Philanthropy Community-Wide Event Featuring Laura Leibman

7:00PM - 8:00PM  

Virtual Event Jewish Federation of NENY

Contact Linda Pollack Kessler
(518) 783-7800


The Art of the Jewish Family: A History of Jewish Women in Early New York in Five Objects

Join Women's Philanthropy and Laura Leibman for an extraordinary Zoom presentation with fascinating visuals as she examines five objects owned by a diverse group of Jewish women who all lived in New York between 1750 and 1850.

Each object offers an intimate and tangible view into the lives of Jewish American women from a range of statuses, beliefs, and lifestyles, both rich and poor, Sephardi and Ashkenazi, slaves, and slaveowners.

The objects include:

  •   A letter from impoverished Hannah Louzada seeking assistance
  •   A set of silver cups owned by Reyna Levy Moses
  •   An ivory miniature owned by Sarah Brandon Moses
  •   A book created by Sarah Ann Hays Mordecai
  •   A family silhouette owned by Rebbetzin Jane Symons Isaacs.

Ms. Leibman is a Professor of English and Humanities at Reed College in Portland, Oregon. She is currently writing about a multiracial Jewish family who began their lives enslaved and became some of the wealthiest Jews in New York.

To register, visit: https://jewishfedny.regfox.com/womens-philanthropy-community-wide-event-featuring-laura-leibman

When registering online, you will have the option to purchase a hard-cover, discounted copy of The Art of the Jewish Family for $24 (delivery available).

Do you have a meaningful object to share with a small group (a photograph, piece of Judaica, houseware, jewelry, book, etc.)? After Leibman's presentation, we'll have some fun in Zoom "breakout rooms" enjoying casual conversation and sharing the history of our personal objects.

Sponsor: Jewish Federation of NENY