Israel Experience Savings Program 

A financial-incentive program administered by Jewish Federation of NENY

Start saving now for your child’s trip to Israel and earn MATCHING FUNDS and BONUSES from Jewish Federation as you save. 

How does it work? 

A parent or other account guardian (e.g., grandparent) opens an Israel Experience Savings account by completing the application form and submitting an initial deposit into the account. 

Each year that the family contributes to the savings account, Jewish Federation will match $1.00 for every $1.75 of your contributions up to $100/year, for a $1,000 lifetime maximum. The savings account also earns a 5% bonus each year.

The parent or account guardian must also be a donor of Jewish Federation of NENY ($50 minimum annual contribution). Account balance is limited to $5,000 over the life of the savings account.

Set up your Israel Experience Savings account today!

 For more information about the Israel Experience Savings Program, contact:

KB Goodkin

(518) 783-7800 ext. 222


Graphic explaining how your contribution to an Israel Experience Savings account will grow