
The Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) uses the term “fly-in” to denote a brief trip with a specific purpose. Over the years, they have sponsored fly-ins to Houston and New Orleans to access flood damage and help with rescue efforts, fly-ins to Ethiopia to participate in emergency evacuations, fly-ins to Israel to show solidarity during wars, etc.

This Sunday, JFNA is sponsoring a two-day fly-in to the Ukrainian border for a first-hand look at the situation. Participants will help welcome refugees, observe relief efforts, and report back to home communities as to how we can help. We are so fortunate to have community leader Hank Greenberg participate in this weekend’s fly-in, and we look forward to hearing from him on Wednesday night when he returns. Details for our Capital Region Ukraine Support Rally can be found here. Please call me with any questions.

Hank, be safe. We’ll see you on Wednesday.

Immediately following our teen mission to Israel in February 2020, the world shut down and Israel’s border was closed. We couldn’t be there to show our solidarity during last year’s war. We’ve had neither missions nor fly-ins.

Israel’s border is now open, and we are eager to get back there as soon as possible. We’ve started planning for a teen mission in February 2023 and a community mission in April 2023. But first, we’re planning a fly-in for this June to check in on our friends in Eshkol and our relief efforts with Ethiopian absorption and food insecurity. Details for our June fly-in can be found here. Please call me with any questions.

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