I need an elevator pitch.

I need an elevator pitch.
I know what Jewish Federation does and I’m happy to tell you all about it, but I’m not going to get it done before we reach the 5th floor.
I’ve tried brevity, pulling out the Mission Statement, “we build and maintain a strong and united Jewish community,” but it’s too broad, non-descriptive, and misses much of what we do.
So, I start listing out specifics:
- We rescue Jews from hostile locations, help them with Aliya and resettlement in Israel.
- We provide food, medicine, clothing, shelter, and other emergency services to those in need around the world, most notably today in Ukraine.
- We help victims of terror in Israel by sending kids to camp and supporting resiliency centers.
- We support Jewish education, Holocaust education, and Israel education.
- We sponsor PJ Library and other young-family programming.
- We give scholarships to send kids to camp and to Israel.
- We organize trips to Israel.
- We sponsor local programs and speakers.
 We support Jewish programming for local college students.
- We maintain strong interfaith relationships in the community.
- We provide funding, leadership training, endowment education, coaching, friendship, and other support for synagogues and other local Jewish organizations.
- We offer support to those supporting our seniors.
I would continue the list, but to continue with the metaphor, the folks riding the elevator with me stepped off several minutes ago. I need a taller building or a slower elevator.
This Sunday is Super Sunday, Federation’s largest phone-a-thon of the year. We have more than 50 volunteers trying to reach as many people as possible to solicit your support so that we can continue our important work. Please answer if you are called or visit our website today if you prefer to self-solicit.
New for this year’s Super Sunday, in addition to phone calling, we will be rolling out our newest initiative in the war on food insecurity. We’ll have booths showcasing our food partners, contests, ice cream, and a PJ Library Story Walk. The whole event will be in our sunny 65 degree parking lot. I hope to see you and your kids there.
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