As the Ukrainian crisis continues, two burning questions have been repeated to me often, “How can I volunteer?” and “Do we have refugees coming here?”
Volunteer opportunities in Ukraine (or on the Ukrainian border) are limited. Right now Jewish Federations working through our on-the-ground partners are exclusively calling for “skilled Russian-speaking Jewish professionals” to help refugees make Aliyah, assist families across borders, implement early-childhood programming, and provide psycho-social support. I’m sorry that the opportunities are so restrictive. I’ll keep you posted if other opportunities become available. In the meanwhile, if you meet these qualifications and have interest, please let me know.
While the U.S. has opened its borders for 100,000 Ukrainian refugees, we have not yet seen the influx, especially locally. Again, I will keep you posted if/when we are needed.
Our partner OpenDor Media has a new short film coming out soon called, “Unsafe Spaces: When being Jewish means you don’t belong.” This film will deal with the antisemitic/anti-Zionist rhetoric facing our college students. We will feature the film in an upcoming program when it becomes available. Meanwhile, our high school students will get a preview this Sunday as our monthly Unpacking Israel Series continues. This program is critical, especially for those off to college next year. Please encourage your kids/grandkids to attend. Details below.
As always, we are saddened by the senseless violence in Israel and condemn the ongoing terrorism.
Happy Passover cleaning and brisket making.
Don’t forget to file your taxes.
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