Thank you!
We just enjoyed the best Super Sunday in years.
- More people picked up their phones and responded “yes” than in the past several years.
- We raised more funds than in several previous years.
- More people increased their gifts this year over the previous year.
- Perhaps most significantly, there was a noticeable positive attitude when people answered their phones. People recognized the difficulties of the past year, and they genuinely appreciated our good work. We were thanked for our efforts. “I’m increasing my gift this year. Keep up the good work.”
- If there was no answer, our callers left my phone number as the call-back number and people actually called back and apologized for missing our call. Amazing!
So, thank you to the 365 people who answered our call on Sunday and pledged more than $275,000.
Thank you to the 45 volunteers who made calls.
Thank you to the Federation staff for the many hours invested into ensuring a smooth day.
I need to keep today’s message on the short side because I have 365 thank you cards on my desk awaiting my signature. In 3rd grade, I was told that I had nice penmanship. In the ~45 years since, no one has repeated that compliment. So, I apologize for the illegible scribble. The appreciation is sincere.
I’ll be off next Friday burning chametz and making gefilte soup (recipe available upon request), so an early koshern un freilichen Pesach (kosher and joyous Passover) to all.
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