Three-and-a-half Scrolls

Too much scrolling! That’s the big complaint. 

“Rob, I enjoy your Friday e-mails, but there is too much scrolling.”

We did some market research and learned that the average e-mail reader has tolerance for 3.5 index-finger swipes before getting bored and hitting delete. This weekly e-mail has a 32% average open rate, so about 1,000 people read my article and about 12 people see the posting on the bottom for the event in Gloversville scheduled for June. (I made that up; there is no such event.) (Actually, there might be; I don’t know.)

So, starting today, we have a brand-new look that I hope you enjoy. Desk with a computer screen showing Jewish Federation of Northeastern New York's homepage of websiteAfter this article, we’ll list up to 20 events in a “week ahead” feature, and rather than give too many specifics, each event will be linked back to our also brand-new website

Regarding our website, the two biggest complaints: It’s not mobile friendly, and the calendar (most clicked-on page) is difficult to use. I believe that with this week’s roll out of our new website, we’ve solved these and many other problems, although there may still be a bug or two to work out. 

Please take a look and let me know what you think.


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