Our weeks have a rhythm to them. Even without a calendar, we typically wake up knowing the day of the week and what to look forward to. Perhaps it’s a favorite TV show that will air/stream a new episode, or a favorite columnist in the paper, or a soccer practice, or Hebrew school, or mah-jongg, or a committee meeting, or golf league, or a class . . . .
I have standing morning meetings every Monday and Thursday. New comic books hit the stores on Wednesdays. Garbage pickup is Wednesday night. I prepare for Shabbat on Friday. I observe Shabbat on Saturday. I have a rhythm.
I should say, “I had a rhythm.” Between Rosh Hashana and Simchat Torah (next Wednesday), I have no rhythm. Since the first week of September, every week has essentially consisted of two Fridays, three Saturdays, one workday, and a Sunday.
Prepare for Shabbat --> celebrate Shabbat --> Sunday --> prepare for a two-day holiday --> celebrate two days of holiday --> work a day --> repeat for a month!
It’s gotten so bad, that I was compelled to thank our rabbi after Sukkot services for his very important announcement, “Please turn to page xxx for the psalm for Wednesdays.”
“Oh, it’s Wednesday,” I thought. “That’s good to know. It’s garbage night.”
Note: Every year before Simchat Torah, I use this column to encourage people to go to synagogue with their children. I believe that it is one of the two most fun holidays (with Purim) for kids. Please be safe if congregating in person. Check schedules and COVID policies.
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