My daughter Jenny moved to Israel a few years ago and for the first couple of years, I visited her a few times. But then the world closed, and I couldn’t visit her anymore.
Last year she got married, and I was allowed into Israel for her wedding after submitting a 25-page application proving her identity, her citizenship, her approved wedding plan, my identity, and our relationship.
Israel opened its border in November. Many of us rushed to buy airline tickets, but the border closed again before many of us were able to use them.
I’m not alone in our community as the parent of one who has made aliya. In fact, there are dozens of us who have similar concerns and face similar challenges. So, we formed a havurah.
Last December, I introduced the community to the Harold Grinspoon Foundation’s new Havurah Initiative:
Harold’s vision is to bring people with a common interest together and have them want to stay together over a forged relationship. We have seven havurot up and running with an eighth in the works. Harold will help us fund 15 of them.
What are acceptable common interests? Harold has offered us lots of flexibility. We have young families and empty nesters. We have outdoor enthusiasts. My interest is in being the parent of an olah. What’s your interest? Are others interested? Do we have a havurah for you already, or would you like to start one? All the information is here. Reach out if you have questions.
Looking forward to seeing everyone on Sunday afternoon on Jay Street in Schenectady.
Shabbat shalom, Gut Chodesh (good new month), and Happy Chanukah.
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