From the CEO

Business as Usual?

I keep hearing that during these unprecedented times, it’s not business as usual.  I will argue that for the Jewish Federation, it is totally business as usual, because assessing and responding to the needs of our community is our business.  Sure, the needs have changed in a previously u…

Unprecedented Need

Last week’s message was, “Federation is here for you.”

We focused our energies on getting people groceries.  We asked people to sign up if they needed assistance, and we asked for volunteers to help with shopping and deliveries.  Thank you to the dozens of people who have volunteere…

Hierarchy of Needs

As we look at humanity’s hierarchy of needs, Jewish Federation works throughout the pyramid. We direct funding to the hungry, but we have also had the luxury of working on long-term projects to benefit the Jewish community, our significance and our purpose. And now we have COVID-19. There …

Coronavirus and our Jewish Community

1. We are so fortunate in the Capital District to have, in my opinion, the best board of rabbis. It really is an amazing group. I was privileged to sit with them yesterday during a briefing based on recommendations from the Albany County Department of Health and from a consultant to the NYS …

No elbow-bumping the Torah

Last April, I wrote about the different synagogue cultures regarding touching and familiarity as it relates to greetings and the impact of the #metoo movement.  Well friends, the Coronavirus has rendered that entire discussion moot because all levels of touching now appear to be inappropria…